It’s official. The City of Miami Springs has filed a lawsuit against the entity known as Factory Town. According to an update by the City of Miami Springs City Attorney, the City of Miami Springs has officially filed a lawsuit against Factory Town. This is after the City of Miami Springs issued a nuisance letter in preparation for the lawsuit.

What is Factory Town?
Factory Town is an outdoor entertainment facility in a warehouse district of Southeast Hialeah located at 4800 NW 37th Avenue. (Just blocks east of Vicky’s Bakery on the other side of the railroad tracks.)

it’s home to new outdoor concerts. On paper it sounds like a great idea. Hold outdoor concerts in a warehouse district away from residents.

That would normally be fine. But these guys aren’t using regular DJ equipment. This isn’t the equipment you find at the River Cities Festival. They are using high powered, Ultra Music Festival type equipment that blasts the bass from this location for miles. We’re talking as far west as Ludlam in Miami Springs. Furthermore, it was not only a powerful thumping bass. But it was going on till 5am, even on some school nights. (We noted that Ultra Music Festival shuts down by midnight letting downtown residents sleep.)

Why are Miami Springs Residents Complaining?
The short answer is because they can’t sleep.
The longer answer is explained with geography.
Look at the map below. You’ll notice the concert venue is at the extreme Southeast corner of Hialeah. You can see how the music blasted from this venue impacts the traditionally quiet and peaceful Miami Springs. Meanwhile, most of Hialeah enjoys a restful night’s sleep.

Miami Springs vs Factory Town Holdings
Read the details from the lawsuit filed by the City of Miami Springs against Factory Town Holdings:
Outdoor Hialeah Concerts till 5am: Sleepless Nights in Miami Springs
City Sends Nuisance Letter to Factory Town…Prepares for Legal Action