At last night’s City of Miami Springs City Council Meeting it was revealed that the City Attorney had taken the legal steps of sending a nuisance letter to the key parties involved with Factory Town, the venue that hosted the loud, outdoor concert that kept Miami Springs residents awake two weekends ago. The Council was all in agreement to have the City Attorney keep all legal options open including filing an injunction and / or suing Factory Town if an amicable resolution was not reached. To be clear, we have not reached the point where injunctions need to be filed. There’s no legal action in place against Factory Town right now.
That said, the City of Miami Springs is working cooperatively with the City of Hialeah to hopefully come up with a solution that is amicable and mutually beneficial. Needless to say, that’s a lot easier said than done. Miami Springs Mayor Maria Mitchell met with Hialeah Mayor Bovo last week to discuss the concerns from Miami Springs residents.

Bottom line: The City is attacking the problem with a carrot and stick approach. Act nicely and work cooperatively with all parties involved to come to an amicable solution. But also keep the nuclear option of suing in court to prevent this from happening in the future. We applaud the city’s efforts of attempting to work amicably while moving aggressively with all legal options.
Bob Best…God bless him. He made, what many believe to be an erroneous statement last night declaring that on the last day of the concert that there were no noise complaints since the venue had changed the direction of the speakers. I don’t know what source of data he used to come to that conclusion because the Miami Springs residents were definitely commenting and letting us know that there was still the noticeable boom boom boom on Sunday. Here’s what residents said when asked if the concert was shut down on Sunday, December 5, 2021, while it was happening:
Councilman Best, before you make a statement that there were “No Complaints” on something where the City of Miami Springs may take legal action, it would be wise to reach out to your constituents and listen to the residents. There were definitely complaints on Sunday, too.
Again, we applaud Mayor Mitchell for her proactive and aggressive stance on the matter while continuing to promote for an amicable solution. We also appreciate the entire Council’s backing of legal action should it become necessary. We’ll let you know how this unfolds.
NOTE: Hialeah City Council Meeting is tonight at 7pm.
I would love to meet the people who keep reelecting Bob Best to the council and find out why. Bob is the laughingstock of Miami Springs and has outlived any productive years that he may have had on the council.