We continue to interview candidates for the Miami-Dade County District 6.  This week, we met with Coral Gables Commissioner Jorge Fors.  The father of three young daughters talked about growing up in Miami-Dade County, going to school, becoming an attorney, and eventually joining the Coral Gables Commission.  As he pursued improvements for Coral Gables he noticed many problems and improvements need to be handled at the County level.  Watch the video below to learn more about his top priorities should he be elected to take over the seat currently held by Rebeca Sosa.

Get informed and then go out and vote.  Election day is August 23, 2022.  Mail in voting and early voting start soon.

Jorge Fors Candidate website:  https://www.forsdistrict6.com/




  1. It’s so easy to be for the easy ones but how’s he feel on the state take over of local govt, Everglades expansion, racism legacy, homelessness by the those unable to care for their self, increasing mass transit, sea level rise, our water crisis, population growth vs density, expanding voting opportunities & the weapons on the street. It’s only a matter of time until the next shooting – in Miami Dade – takes over the news & well intended plans.


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