In a recent operation, the Miami Springs Crime Suppression Team conducted an investigative stop outside a local hotel and encountered an individual named Ivan Ramos. The subsequent search revealed a shocking find: It was allegedly reported that Ramos had methamphetamine, GHB, and drug paraphernalia in a brown book bag.

Arrested by the Miami Springs Police Department (Photo Credit: Miami Springs Police Department)

This discovery underscores the ongoing battle against drug-related issues in communities nationwide and highlights the dedication of law enforcement. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of community and law enforcement cooperation in creating safer, drug-free environments.

Arrested by the Miami Springs Police Department (Photo Credit: Miami Springs Police Department)
Arrested by the Miami Springs Police Department (Photo Credit: Miami Springs Police Department)
Arrested by the Miami Springs Police Department (Photo Credit: Miami Springs Police Department)
Arrested by the Miami Springs Police Department (Photo Credit: Miami Springs Police Department)

Ramos Arrested and Charged with:

  1.  Possession of Methamphetamine
  2.  Possession of Gamma Hydroxybutyrate
  3.  Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

The incident shows the need for continued efforts to address the complex issues surrounding drug abuse and the vital role of law enforcement in upholding safety and security. Together, we can work towards a drug-free future.

REMINDER:  Everyone is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law


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