In a heartwarming event on Tuesday, MSSH Logistics had the honor of hosting SFC Elias Vargas from the Florida Army National Guard. The National Guard, known for its dedication to serving the country, provides an excellent opportunity for individuals to contribute to their nation and enjoy the associated benefits without a lengthy time commitment.
(1/2) On Tuesday we hosted SFC Elias Vargas from the Florida @NationalGuardFL ! The @NationalGuard is a great way to serve your country and get the accompanying benefits without the significant time commitment!
— Prologis Trade and Logistics Academy at MSSH (@msshlogistics) May 7, 2023
SFC Vargas graciously spent time with the students, enlightening them about the advantages of serving their country through the National Guard. It was an invaluable experience that allowed the students to gain a deeper understanding of the opportunities and rewards that come with military service!
We extend our sincere gratitude to SFC Elias Vargas for his time, dedication, and the inspiring insights he shared with our students. His presence left an indelible mark, encouraging young minds to consider the National Guard as a path towards serving their country while enjoying the associated benefits.