Robotics Competition at the Miami Springs Rec Center


YouTuber Roldan0716 shares video from the recent Robotics Competition held at the Miami Springs Rec Center on November 2nd.

Here’s what they posted:

“Hi 16ers its your Visually Impaired Friend Roldan0716. Its that time once again, the Robotics competition fun has begun once more. Each year they change up the game so he teams have to tear down their old bots and build them back up from scratch. Another thing as well is that the team my brother is in has grown as well.. So, now they have 2 robots instead of just one. It was fun as always and cant wait for the next one. 🙂 Also on a side note, be expecting these at least once a month for the next 6 months (This month their will be 2 and as for February and March are unknown yet, and it will all be ending at the Miami-Dade County Fair & Expo most likely).”



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