The City of Miami Springs is being sued by local resident, retired librarian, and activist, Theo Karantsalis.

Theo Karantsalis

According to records we received from Mr. Karantsalis, he filed on October 7th and is suing the City of Miami Springs for (I) Violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and (II) Violations of the Rehabilitation Act.

According to the filing, Karantsalis is seeking the following:

  • A declaration from the court that the city is in fact in violation of the ADA and Rehabilitation Act
  • A permanent injunction that among other things requires the city to:
    • Obtain an updated ADA audit
    • Halt current projects until city completes a thorough ADA evaluation
    • Halt grant monies until the city establishes full ADA compliance
    • Provide funding for ongoing ADA compliance





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