The Miami Springs City Council voted on Monday to extend the Country Club Contract with Hole 19 (HRS Management). There had been issues and concerns from both the City of Miami Springs and by Hole 19.
The City of Miami Springs was concerned that there were unpaid bills by HRS Management. HRS Management was concerned as the Golf Course was closed down far longer than expected for the $3.8 Million renovation.

JC Jimenez reported that Hole 19 had taken about a 28% hit to revenues during the closure of the Golf Course. Jimenez suggested providing Hole 19 a break of 2.5 months out of the year where the Golf Course was closed. That would represent a savings of about 28%. But Jimenez said Hole 19 would have to come current on all payments minus the 2.5 months.

Jimenez reported on Monday that Hole 19 had provided the city a cashier’s check for the pending amount. As Jimenez reported, the golf course was closed six months longer than anticipated. That payment made Hole 19 current with the City of Miami Springs.
Councilwoman Jacky Bravo was not happy with the arrangement. “We have to be financially responsible.” She stated multiple restaurants in Miami Springs had to deal with COVID and still survived. She argued that Hole 19 should be able to fill the restaurant and the ballroom operations regardless of whether the golf course is open or not. She expressed that the golf course operations should be a plus. Bravo highlighted the great location and extensive parking at the Country Club that other restaurants in Miami Springs don’t enjoy. Bravo did not like the idea of tax dollars being used to bail out a business and wanted to put the operation out to bid with an RFP.

The City Attorney explained that she had drafted a letter of DEFAULT last year regarding certain items that were not met by the concessionaire (HRS Management). That letter was updated multiple times last year, but the prior City Manager (Alonso) and the new City Manager (Jimenez) attempted to resolve the matter directly with Hole 19 as opposed to seeking legal action.
Councilman Walter Fajet made a motion to approve a Second Amendment To The City Of Miami Springs Country Club Food And Beverage Concessionaire Agreement With HRS MGMT Group, LLC with an amendment to allow an extension for five years, but requires an annual renewal approval vote by the City Council.
The City Council voted as follows:
- Councilman Santin: Yes
- Councilwoman Bravo: No
- Councilman Fajet: Yes
- Councilman Vazques: Yes
- Mayor Mitchell: Yes