It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Miami Springs.

We love this time of year. And we love the transformation of our community as we approach the Christmas holiday.

Miami Springs Public Works does a great job transforming the Circle into a Winter Wonderland.

Entering Miami Springs from Hialeah, drivers are greeted by a beautiful Christmas Tree.

We have to give special thanks to the Miami Springs Rotary Club for their donations to Westward Drive lighting including the beautiful Christmas Trees.

We noticed some folks enjoying the cooler evening temperatures along Westward Drive and on the Circle. It’s nice to see folks enjoying our beautiful community, even after dark.

Local businesses were also sharing the Christmas spirit.
The Leonard Real Estate Group has their Christmas displays up including the mailbox where the kids can drop off their letters to Santa an get a beautiful personalized response.

The Leonard Real Estate Group also has a wonderful Christmas village displayed on their storefront for all passersby to enjoy.

The Coastal Insurance Group also has their Christmas display to add to the festiveness on Westward Drive.
We found these beautiful Merry Christmas banners with Santa just outside Poinciana Flowers on the Circle.
Miami Springs is really looking great as we approach the Holiday festivities including the Car Show this weekend.