Mark Trowbridge, long-time Miami Springs resident, former chair of the Miami Springs Business and Economic Development Task Force, and President of the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce, has been hospitalized and is being treated for cancer.
The Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce shared the following message via social media:
“This past week after not feeling well for several days, our Chamber’s President & CEO Mark Trowbridge was admitted to the hospital and is currently being treated for cancer. Mark is receiving wonderful care from our friends at Baptist Health.
Mark’s treatment begins with several weeks of in-patient chemotherapy, with an out-patient treatment regime to follow.
During this time, Mark will be very susceptible to infection, so visits are limited to only family and no flowers or other deliveries are permitted.
Our entire Chamber family holds Mark in our prayers and sends positive thoughts towards a speedy and complete recovery. We all know Mark to be a tenacious spirit and we will feel his enthusiasm again very soon.
Please send your thoughts and well wishes for Mark to Devin at the Chamber. His email is
The Chamber Leadership & Team”

Mark has been an outstanding member of the Miami Springs Community and a great human being (despite his absolute passion for the Florida Gators.)
We want to extend the Chamber’s request for prayers and positive thoughts towards a speedy and complete recovery for Mr. Trowbridge. Godspeed Mark!