We had the opportunity to take some fun shots of the blood red lunar eclipse this morning.  The eclipse happened just before dawn this morning as the earth passed in between the sun and the earth.  The light from the sun still goes around the earth’s atmosphere and bounces off the moon giving the moon the “blood red” color.

Blood Red Lunar Eclipse over Miami Springs

Fortunately, despite the Tropical Storm in the Atlantic, we were able to enjoy a clear morning sky with good visibility of the Lunar Eclipse.

Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs

Were you able to see the blood red moon this morning?  Share your photos on social media.

Blood Red Lunar Eclipse over Miami Springs Blood Red Lunar Eclipse over Miami Springs Blood Red Lunar Eclipse over Miami Springs Blood Red Lunar Eclipse over Miami Springs Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs  Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs Blood Red Moon over Miami Springs


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