Councilwoman Jacky Bravo presented a motion at Monday’s meeting to express opposition to the smart trail connector (aka the pedestrian bridge project) and requested a resolution be presented that rescinded the original resolution that approved the project.
After much discussion, the motion was unanimously passed to cheers by the residents in attendance.
In effect, this will nullify the Pedestrian Bridge Project which was a major concern for residents, especially in the Bird Section.

We want to thank Mayor Mitchell, who truly wanted to provide our residents with safe passage to the Metrorail for listening to the residents. Yes. Mayor Mitchell pushed for this bridge and was a proponent. But, she made herself available to residents and listened to their concerns.
Unlike other mayors in the past who may have been too stubborn to change on controversial projects to the detriments of the City (like swapping an Olympic sized pool for a tiny pool that no longer supports competitive high school aquatic sports) Mayor Mitchell listened to the voices of the residents.
We’d like to applaud Mayor Mitchell for her frank and open conversations with the residents. We also want to thank Councilman Fajet for bringing up the objections he was seeing from residents early on. And of course, we want to thank Jacky Bravo for being prepared with a resolution to put an end to the pedestrian bridge. Thank you and the entire Council for voting unanimously in support of the will of the residents of Miami Springs.