Miami Springs Senior High School Golden Players Thespian Troupe 1466 (acting students) competed at the Miami-Dade County District 8 Thespian Festival with 13 entries. The categories ranged from monologues and duet acting scenes to musical theatre performances and even playwriting, publicity design, and make-up design.
Eight entries earned Superior ratings, and five entries earned excellent ratings.
In addition, Natalie Quintana won a Thespy award for her solo musical performance, “What’s Going To Happen,” from Tootsie and Brandon Quesada was chosen to perform in the District 8 Improv Jam.
The Thespian Troupe will be presenting a showcase with all thirteen entries on Thursday, December 8 at 3pm and 6pm in the Auditorium. Tickets are $7.00.
Last year Natalie Quintana won first place for Musical Theatre/Jazz in the Young Talent Big Dreams. The year before she won first place in the Florida English Speaking Union Shakespeare Monologue Competition and made it to the top ten in the National English Speaking Union Shakespeare Monologue Competition.