In 2015 we warned you that the new Miami Springs pool was going to be much smaller than the grand olympic sized pool we had for over 50 years. We also informed you that much of the money was going into creating more buildings. In other words, more building space. Less pool space. Now you can see the construction of the new pool with your own eyes. Total construction cost: $5 MILLION.
Buzz Fleischman is a Humorist and singer/songwriter of ‘irregular songs for regular people’ and a character actor who has appeared in and voiced TV commercials and radio. He currently hosts and produces the interview show “On the Record and Off the Wall’.
Buzz was the humorist on the NPR affiliate WLRN for 12 years and has been a featured speaker for significant local and national conferences, conventions and organizations.
He is a docent at the Curtiss Mansion and is fascinated by the history of Miami Springs and its interesting residents.