The Miami Springs Woman’s Club continues their tradition of serving the Miami Springs Community. On Thursday, March 9, 2023, the Woman’s Club hosted the Miami Springs Candidate Forum at the Rebeca Sosa Theater on the 2nd floor of the Miami Springs Recreation Center.

Buzz opened up the forum allowing each candidate to have their opening statement. Then, the questioning began. Each candidate took their turn to answer the same question. While each question started with a different candidate making it fair for all the candidates. Then, each candidate gave their closing statements.


For Group I, the candidates are Orlando Lamas, MaryJo Mejia, and Jorge Santin. We will be interviewing Orlando and MaryJo in the upcoming week so stay tuned to watch their video. You can watch our video with Jorge Santin below:

For Group II, Councilwoman Jacky Bravo is being challenged by Miami Springs resident Jennifer Graham. We have a scheduled interview with Jennifer Graham next week. You can watch the interview with Jacky Bravo below:

Former Councilman Victor Vazquez is running for the seat which he vacated when he resigned to run for Miami-Dade County Commission. Longtime Miami Springs resident Tom Hutchings is challenging Victor for the Group IV seat. We’ve had the opportunity to interview both candidates. Watch the interviews below:
Full Candidate Forum Video
Watch the full video of the Candidate Forum brought to you by the Miami Springs Woman’s Club. The full video is nearly two hours long, but you can skim through to listen to the questions and answers of the candidates.
Again, special thanks to the Miami Springs Woman’s Club for putting this event together. We also want to thank all the candidates for dedicating their time for our community.
And we can’t forget all the residents who came to see the candidates and genuinely take time to learn more about what each candidate stands for. The theater was packed with residents clearly interested and passionate about the future of Miami Springs.
Voting by Mail
You can vote by mail, but you must register to get an absentee ballot.
Early In Person Voting
Early voting will be held at Miami Springs City Hall on Friday, March 31st and Saturday, April 1st from 8am – 4pm.
Election Day
You can vote in person on Election Day on Tuesday, April 4th from 7am – 7pm.